You are very welcome to join us at any of our services. These follow a regular pattern from month to month. For those unable to attend church we are currently live-streaming our 9.45am services. A link for these is updated each week and can be found on our Welcome Page. An audio recording of sermons is also available each week on our Talks page.Sunday
8.15am - Holy Communion
9.45am - 1st Sunday: Morning Prayer (Come at 9am for our parish breakfast!)
2nd Sunday: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday: Family Service
4th Sunday: Morning Prayer
5th Sunday: Holy Communion
Monday Evening
5.30pm - Parish Prayers
8.15am - Holy Communion - Every Sunday
An early morning Holy Communion, based on the Book of Common Prayer, is held every Sunday morning at 8.15am. Visitors are always made to feel welcome. On the first Sunday of the month only the service is followed by a Parish breakfast in the Church hall. The breakfast is an important part of Parish life where people can share fellowship in a relaxed environment.
9.45am - Morning Prayer - 1st and 4th Sundays of the month
A fairly traditional Morning Prayer service is held on the first and fourth Sunday of every month. Preaching is generally set around a set bible reading with hymns and worship songs accompanied by an organ, piano and choir. Coffee and tea are served either in church or the church hall after the service which provides an invaluable time of fellowship with friends and visitors alike.
9.45am - Holy Communion - 2nd and 5th Sundays
Our Holy Communion is based on the Book of Common Worship and services are held on the second and fifth Sunday of every month. Coffee and tea are served either in church or the church hall after the service which provides an invaluable time of fellowship with friends and visitors alike.
9.45am - Family Service - 3rd Sunday of the month
Our Family Service is specifically aimed at young people and families. We are sometimes joined in the Family services by our uniformed organisations (Cubs, Brownies, Guides etc) when flags are paraded. Baptisms usually take place during Family Services. Again the ability to join us for tea and coffee in either the church or the church hall after the service presents an opportunity for people to get to know each other in an informal and friendly environment.
Junior Church
Fun and age-related teaching for children on a Sunday morning alongside our 9.45 services. This is currently paused, but we hope to restart this ministry soon.
For younger children we have a dedicated space at the rear of church with a range of books puzzles and toys.
5.30pm - Parish Prayers - Every Monday evening
An open meeting in church for half an hour, to put the week in context and prepare ourselves for Sunday's worship. All are welcome.