Prayer Opportunities

Due to the current health situation with Coronavirus our normal pattern of services, including midweek meetings and events have been suspended. 

Please refer to the note on our Welcome Page that we shall endeavour to keep up-to-date. 

Prayer serves so many purposes in the life of a Christian, not only is it an integral part of our relationship with God, but also a means of supporting those close to us and the wider world at large.

We pray for our family members, for neighbours and friends.
We pray for those who don't know Jesus to come to faith - many Christians have come to believe in Christ through the prayers of others.

We pray for world issues, for peace in difficult situations, for leaders and those in influential positions, for global issues such as the care of God's environment, justice for the poor, relief of suffering in less developed countries, and those involved in mission work both at home and overseas.

Here at St James Birkdale we have many opportunities to meet together and pray - whether it be shared with others or spoken in the quiet stillness of our own hearts and minds.

Ian our Vicar and Eddie our Ordained Local Minister (OLM), meet to say the Daily Office Monday to Thursday at 8.45am. Monday and Wednesday they meet in St James then Tuesday and Thursday in St Peters. Anyone is welcome to join them.

Parish Prayers - Every Saturday morning from 8.15am to 8.45am in the church Welcome Area.

Home Groups hold a short time of prayer each week during their meetings.

Prayers for Mission - Every third Monday at 2.30pm in the church Welcome Area there is opportunity to pray for the various Mission agencies that we support.  

Julian Meeting - Held on the last Thursday of every month at 7.30pm in the church Welcome Area. A time of silent contemplative prayer.