(with Apologies for the sound quality - it was very windy!)
Some questions to ponder: What might it mean for the kingdom to “come near” in your life? How might we be part of the building of God’s kingdom?
What does the now and not yet of the kingdom offer to you? How might this change the way you live your life?
How, this advent, are you going to prepare for the coming of God’s kingdom?
Something to do: Take some time out over the festive period if you can, to go and see the sea, in a car or on foot. Consider the changing of the seasons and the tides. Pray that in this next season of your life God will reveal his kingdom to you in a new way.
Advent Reflections, week 3
Rev Sam reflects on the place of "light"
Some questions to consider:
What darkness is there in your life?
What might you need to confess to and seek forgiveness for?
How might you come to the light of Christ?
How are you going to let this light into your life this advent?
Could this light transform the way you relate to others? To the world around you? How?
Something to do:
Find yourself a small candle. If it is safe to do so, turn the lights off entirely for a few moments in a room.
Ponder the darkness, how it makes you feel. Then, light the candle.
Watch as the light penetrates the darkness, the smallest of lights can make such a difference.
Take time to thank God for the coming of the light of Christ this Christmas.
Advent Reflections, week 2
Rev Sam thinks about decorations:
Some further questions to think about:
How might you keep the joy of Christmas (God-with-us!) through the year?
What ways might you share this good news this year?
What are you going to put in place to help you stay focused on the glory of God in “whatever you do?”
Are there any other things you could do to share this Christmas joy?
Something to do:
Get yourself a mini-Christmas tree (maybe even in the sales!) and place it somewhere you will see frequently. Don’t take it down after Christmas, instead trim the tree with bible verses of encouragement or forgiveness, or joy! If people ask why you’ve got it up, you can explain it.
Set a reminder for yourself, on your phone or in your diary, every 25th day of the month to worship God! Maybe through singing a worship song, or even a Christmas carol!
You could keep a bag of “gifts” non-perishable items, toiletries or bible in your car or home, so that if you see someone in need you already have something on hand to give them!
You could even invite them to church or talk to them about the gift of Jesus. People are good at inviting people to church at Christmas but what about the rest of the year?
Have a look at the suggestions above, which could you do this year?
Are there other ways in which you remember the good news of Christmas year-round? Perhaps plan one for the year ahead.
Advent Reflections, week 1
Rev Sam reflects on traditions in advent.
Some questions to consider:
What do you view as important at Christmas? What do you
focus on?
What traditions are helpful? What traditions get in the way?
How can you, this advent, re-focus yourself onto the good
news of the coming of Jesus?
What do you feel God might be doing in your life? Where is
he leading you? Is he speaking to you in a new way?
Something to do:
Look around and observe the traditions of Christmas and
advent that are part of your life this week. What do you do? Or what do you
Spend some time looking into the reason why this became a
tradition and see if you can find a way to use that tradition in worship afresh
this week.